Monday, November 30, 2009

Does anyone know if jennavecia from the bad girls club is bi?

i know that some of you may not care if she is or not, HOWEVER, i am crushing on her hardcore, and it would be nice to know if she is or, has anyone heard any confirmations about whether she is into girls as well? ;)

Does anyone know if jennavecia from the bad girls club is bi?

I have no concrete evidence of anything, really. BUT, I do definitely get a vibe from her that makes me think she's into girls.... I'm not saying that ALL lesbians are masculine or anything, but she definitely is really masculine and for some reason really seems like it. However, she DOES have a daughter...... anyways, good luck with the crush! To be honest, I really reallly really don't like her- I think Darlen is cool!

Does anyone know if jennavecia from the bad girls club is bi?

dude jennavecia is so ******* cool idk if she is bi or not though

i know this has nothin to do with your question at all but if i was her before i left i woulda have punched tanisha in the face an then ran cause she would have probably run me over an kill me thats mean though but when tanisha get angry shes a ******* monster truck.

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