Saturday, November 28, 2009

Whos the baddest on the Bad Girls Club???

People are getting on my nerves becuase they keep commenting on Tanisha being mean or whatever. SO WHAT!!!! they are supposed to be bad girls. There is supposed to be drama. Its freakin TV!!!! If they all were nice- i would hate the show. I think Tanisha is hilarious..Son!! I think her little puppies are corny. I think Cordelia is the worst. She is so retarded. Lyric is not trustoworthy, she seems sneaky and manipulative. Plus i think shes gay. Then theres the other non significant girsl in the house. I think Tanisha is the baddest. I hate when she keep sayin shes from brooklyn. but She has those other two dummies wrapped around her finger.

Whos the baddest on the Bad Girls Club???

You don't have to worry about Lyric, I think she's leaving the show. I was really mad when I saw her asking her mom for help and her mom just totally was not there for her. As far as the other bad girls, the only real tough girl that is not afraid of anyone or anything, at least to date, has to be Tanisha. I don't like her but she is probably the baddest, in the meanest sense of the word. She won't take crap from anyone and isn't afraid to show it. And yeah, she is the ring leader of her "dummies". She hollers jump and they say "how high?".

Whos the baddest on the Bad Girls Club???

Tanisha is okay. She does get on my nerves at times (sorry!) BUT Tanisha can be funny and cute at times too!! but what is up with her new weave? The one with the bangs..Not her best look.

I don't like the Hyena Sisters-Neveen or Hanna either. They permantly have brown noses from kissin tanisha's bum!

It's not because I think they are so "Bad", I agree 100% with you, It's a show about BAD GIRLS, they gotta be BAD! and not goody goodies. Those 3 just rub me the wrong way.

Cordelia is an attention whore and it seems liek the things she says and does is 100% for attention. I can't believe how poorly she treats her fiancee.

I love Lyric because I can relate the most to her (parent problems) I don't know what happens in the next episode (The new one that will be on Tues) maybe my opinions about her will change.

I LOVE this show it really showcases each womans insecurites, weaknesses and flaws.

I am a BAD GIRL but I wouldn't want to be on the show..It IS like a mental hospital! LOL

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