Monday, December 28, 2009

Why do 18-20 year old girls act like this?

Why do so many 18-20 year old girls choose to date guys who are just over 21? Why do they care so much about partying all night and getting trashed at some club rather than studying for, say, a college exam? Many girls in this age range (especially white girls in Southern California) care mostly about the unimportant things in life, like how much of a "Bad Boy" a guy is, how "good-looking" a guy is, how much of a "comedian" a guy is, how much money a guy has, the kind of car that a guy drives (example: a BMW or Audi), how much sex she can have, and having fun ALL OF THE TIME. I'am 22 years-old, so I can "technically" still date girls in this age range. Every single girl that I have met in this range had some or all of these qualities. Most of these girls are also very immature, spoiled, and judgmental. I thought that girls were supposed to mature by age 18? Supposedly more so than guys? Is it impossible to find a girl in this age range who is mature, intelligent, and has good morals?

Why do 18-20 year old girls act like this?

Try looking somewhere else. And FYI that pretty much goes on 15-20. Girls want to be taken care of. They also want attention. If they're drunk they will get more attention.

Why do 18-20 year old girls act like this?

Have you tried not going after skanks?

Why do 18-20 year old girls act like this?

Its not impossible but they are called WOMEN not girls...your looking at the wrong ones!

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