Monday, December 28, 2009

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

Have you ever gone to a social event, wedding, church and notice that the ugly chicks marry the charming, hottest, nicest, most family oriented guys? I have lived in different places with different environments (Cancun, NYC, Connecticut, Kentucky, Tennessee, California, Texas.) and I have noticed that all the hot chicks are always single currently dating the average looking assholes that treat them like garbage. I started thinking about it and I came out with a couple of the possible reasons about this Phenomenon:

Advantages of being with an ugly chick:

1. It is easier to be yourself because they do not have high expectations.

2. You do not have any competition.

3. You are the best she can do.

4. They do not have 1000 guys trying to get in their pants therefore they tend to trust you.

5. Less vain therefore an ugly chick will have more time to take care of you.

6 She does not think she is God's gift to earth and behaves like a real human been.

7. Will please you sexually because she wants to make sure her man doesn't try to find "it" outside the house.

8. They are more likely to forgive infidelity.

9. Most of the times make the best mothers cause there is nothing besides her family (model shots, clubs, bars, girls night outs).

10. Tend to fall in love easier.

11. They are humble.

12. This society has not taught them that they are sexual objects and they are not ****** up in their mind.

Disadvantages of being with a hot chick:

1. They always think they can do better.

2. They always think there is someone else waiting if you do not work out.

3. They judge you.

4. They feel every man look at them like a piece of ***.

5. They are more likely to cheat.

6. They like challenges and enjoy games/jerks and assholes. (Even though they say the opposite)

7. What they say is far apart from what they really mean.

9. They are mean towards unattractive people even though we are all equal.

10. They do not trust anybody.

11. They love having "special" friends.

12. Your bestfriends will aways want to **** her.

I am not saying that is the reason why but I guess that could be some of the reasons.

I guess if the hot chick wants to compete against the ugly girls they need to adopt some of the ugly chick behaviors and ideals, this could be a hard task for the hot chicks because I have noticed how they are treated, raised and educated different from the ugly chicks ( the ugly chick does not know what it is to have a guy open a door for them or having the ability to make a guy nervous by just looking at them straight in the eye) but I am sure it is not impossible. Being this said I believe the worse type of women out there are the ugly chicks that think they are hot because they have hot guys hitting on her... they do not realize they only want some booty and when she finally wakes up from her dream and realize what they really are they already have 6 kids no education and are too lazy to get a job.

I personally want an average looking girl that I can trust so I will probably end up with a goal oriented, open minded, clean, college educated ugly chick that will take care of me and our future kids and that I can trust in any situation after all looks fade away but inner beauty is forever.

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

Ok. I have read the whole thing and have yet to find a question. Anyway, I am what people would call an "ugly chick". I think the reason we get the good guys is because we have to have good personalities to make people like us. Yes, we do get the "hot" guys. My husband is VERY hot. Every time we go somewhere, "hot chicks" are checking him out. I just sit back and think "haha, he is mine". However, we are not more likely to forgive infidelity. I have told my husband that I love him but if he ever cheats on me I will not forgive him. He will be tossed out with the trash. I have a very low self esteem but I will not let anyone walk all over me. I hope you end up with the average chick you are looking for and that you will have a happy marriage. My husband and I are very happy together even though he is hot and I am not.

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

how were you able to fit that many words into your question?

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

OMG, im totally with u on that

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

I ain't got time for such things.

(how come you changed your pic?)

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

I personally don't believe this, and it's bad to think of people as ugly or hot, or whatnot. People should like/love others for their personalities, and not their outer appearance. If you fall in love with someone that looks hot, but is ugly on the inside, what happens when you get older and the outer appearance fades?

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

... too much information.

You have either had too few observation to draw your conclusion or your observations are erronious.

Study after study shows that attractive people have a strong tendency to marry within their own level of attractiveness. Of course, there are many exceptions.

It's always a bad thing to generalize.

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

thats awesome you see it like that

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

You get what you deserve, pal. Can't get any, huh? I'm an "ugly chick" and I would NEVER date somebody like you.

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

Look up old song from 60's I beleive titled "from my personal point of view"...get a ugly girl to marry you.

And dude what's with the pic? Look at me I'm so fine?

If ur lookn 4 hot chicks go to a farm or Boston Market.

4 ur info there are plenty of "HOT" Ladies out there with the best loving hearts and even, u prbly won't beleive this, great minds.

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

i believe this but then i dont...

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

are u trying to say that ur ugly?

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!?

You must be a very shallow person. All the statements you have made are stereotypical and chauvinistic. It all depends on the person and who they are not what they look like.

Why ugly girls get the hot guys? tell me if you agree!!? were you able to fit that many questions??

For the record, I am a hot chick but I am with a hot guy as well. So no, hot chick doesn't always get the mediocre guys. And about generalization, that's not true most of the time. Most of the time, you see hot chick with hot guys or vice versa.

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